APRIDE is an algorithm designed to facilitate the choice of the main Nursing Diagnose, you just have to perform patient assessment and APRIDE will provide the most appropriate NANDA diagnoses sorted by priority, it is fast, makes the nursing process easier and improves cares.

APRIDE works similar to Google PageRank, when an assessment item (sign or symptom) is altered, it actives a diagnose, basically when most often activated, more important will be compared to others, also are considered several 'qualitative factors' fuzzy logic based to optimize results.

This website is part of a thesis project by Juan A. Flores at the Nursing Deparment of the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) to refine and validate the algorithm APRIDE and the Standard Assessment Model, with the intention of improving the nursing diagnostic accuracy.

This site contains no advertising and is funded entirely by the author.

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Updated / Last modification: 2022.10.20

About Standard Assessment Model
The Observatorio de Metodología Enfermera within its CENES project (Conocimiento Enfermero Estandarizado) has developed the Classification of Nursing Assessment Criteria (CCVE): a document that defines the information necessary for nursing functional assessment. Thus was born the book Valoración enfermera estandarizada. Clasificación de los criterios de valoración enfermera (2006), drawn up taking into consideration the indications from various assessment models, so it is compatible with all of them.

About NANDA Taxonomy 2018-2020
NANDA taxonomy is a classification system for Nursing Diagnoses approved by the Association NANDA INTERNATIONAL. Nursing diagnoses communicate the professional judgments that nurses make every day to our patients, colleagues, members of other disciplines and the public.
Currently the NANDA 2018-2020. 10 ed. contains 13 domains, 45 classes and 249 diagnoses of which are classified as real, risk, health promotion and Syndrome Diagnoses. Bib. Ref: Herdman, T. H., & Kamitsuru, S. (2017). NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions & Classification, 2018–2020 (11th ed.). New York: Thieme Medical Publishers Inc.

About Author
Juan A. Flores Martín
PhD Student, Nursing Department of Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM).
Research Group: Thought and nursing languages in social context.
Nurse at Área de Salud VIII Mar Menor. Servicio Murciano de Salud.

Thesis Directors
Paloma Echevarría Pérez
PhD, RN. Dean Nursing School. Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM).
Director of the Master's Degree on Socio-Sanitary Sciences Research.
PI of Research Group: Thought and nursing languages in social context.

Jesús Soto
PhD in Mathematics. Department of Informatics. Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM).
Research Group: Bioinformatics and High Performance Computing (BIO-HPC).

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